Sex & Sexuality

The past couple of weeks I’ve really been reflecting on what I do for a living. How does a little gal from the tall-grass prairie end up teaching, writing, and researching about sex? 

My options were kind of limited. I couldn’t do anything that required any sense of direction. Quite frankly, if I’m going straight, in my mind I’m heading north. If I turn to the left and head straight, I’m still going north.

And yes it’s true….I used to think that Atlanta was a state.

History was out. On a high school history exam I didn’t know that Germany and Japan fought in World War II. I thought it was a trick question on the mid-term. (My teacher was shocked when he learned I had a PhD.)

Teaching driver’s ed was out. I can still hear my hefty-wrestling-coach-turned-driver’s-ed teacher scream at me, “You don’t hit a g** d*** bridge to miss a g** d*** turtle in the middle of the g** d*** road!!!” (He was shocked when he learned I had a PhD.)

Math was out. I’ve never, ever, in my entire life been able to get “X” from one side of the equation to the other…no matter how many pieces of chalk and erasers my high-school-football-coach-slash-math-teacher threw at me (he had a really, really good aim, too).

There were a couple of things that I was really, really good at, though: Relationships and having fun. And, to quote my Incredible Hulk driver’s ed teacher, I was a pretty good g** d**** flirt. (It was the 70s...teachers said just about anything they wanted to.)

So, sex just seemed like the best way to combine these mad skillz. 

Believe me, I kept what I did a secret for quite awhile. I confess: I was a closeted sex professor!

My own father didn’t know what I did until he held my sex book in his hands. And the first words he read in that book? “Lesbian couples…..”  He chuckled, shook his head, and said, “Chickie, Chickie, Chickie.”

I’m so not kidding—that’s his nickname for me. So I suppose I was destined to be a sex professor.

Or a hooker.

And I certainly couldn’t tell my pastor or people at church! Sweet Jesus, some of these people think that a bride and groom dancing at their own wedding reception leads to sexual sin!

Ummm….isn’t that the point?

Whether the world needs another sexpert is debatable, I suppose. But one thing is for certain—there are a lot of web sites, books, webinars, and blogs about sex, but there aren’t too many that are accurate <cough, Mr. Happy and Mrs. Headlights and Cosmo and Esquire, cough>

I just want you to have the best sex life ever. The best intimate relationship ever. I want you to be happy. I want you to be fulfilled. I want you to know the truth about relationships—the good, the bad, the ugly, and the eh.

I guess that’s why I really do what I do. 

And that’s what this section of my blog is all about. Great sex within great relationships.

Boobless But Not Broken