Okay, so by this point you get it. You get that love is different things to different people. You get that love is different things to the same couple at different times.
You get that your definition of love is under constant construction, and that your love map (and your partner’s) changes over time. You get that early in a relationship, because of passionate love, couples are eager to care for one another and they’re highly motivated to satisfy each other’s emotional needs, to nurture one another’s love needs.
You get that, as you self-disclose, intimacy levels deepen in the relationship, to the point where you and your partner become mutually dependent and reliant on each other for the fulfillment of your intimacy and love needs. You get that when your love needs are met, you feel happy and content.
But guess what? There’s one more puzzle piece we need to put into place in order to complete the picture: Men and women don’t prioritize love needs in the same ways.
She Said: Women’s top five emotional needs are affection, conversation, family commitment [check out the Sex & Sexuality tab fellas, and see why this leads to a super-charged sex life], support/help around the house [see previous bracketed note], and honesty/openness.
He Said: Men’s top five emotional needs are admiration/respect [check out the Communication tab gals, and see how this leads to deeper intimacy], sexual fulfillment, physical attraction [don’t rush out for a boob job just yet, gals], recreational companionship, and honesty.
What do you think about this stuff? Is this similar to your experiences?
Is it realistic to expect that your partner can meet all of your needs?
Photo Credit: daedrius (flickr.com)
Photo Credit: daedrius (flickr.com)
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